
Monday, July 21, 2014


Very often people, especially poker beginners, fall in love with these starting cards. But hand on heart how often do we all do the same?

1.      Suited high cards like K, Q with small kicker
It is also one of the common jokes at the poker table, when somebody loses this hand, it means: “…but they were suited!”
That’s right, but it isn’t a reason to call any raise or bet. You have only a minimal higher chance to make a flush on the river than your opponent with two off suit cards. It is only 6,4%.

2.      Baby ace
This is a thought of many online players: “I have an ace, I have to raise!”
But a baby ace means, your kicker is not high enough to win the hand by hitting an ace in the flop, on turn or river. If you raise pre flop and get a call, you can be almost sure there is an ace with a better kicker than yours.  

3.      Small pairs
It can be a great hand after flopping a set. But this possibility is one to eight. It is recommendable to think twice before calling a raise. Small raise or call may be more effective and if you lose, it costs you less.

4.      Small unconnected suited cards
Such cards like 8 6 or 6 4 are nice cards and you can see it often on TV when big PRO’s are playing these hands and win big pots. Be careful, not every time will you have the same luck and also the PRO’s are not right every time. On TV you see only a small part of a game and mostly only the interesting hands, like winning with small unconnected suited cards.

With these starting hands, if you play carefully, you can win big pots and earn many chips, but you can also risk your tournament. Here, the most common rule of all really applies: “Think twice before acting”.

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