
Thursday, July 17, 2014


The most important person sitting at the poker table is the dealer. He is dealing the cards to the players and the community cards and is observing the game. He is the guard of the game, what he says is the rule!

After dealing the hole (starting) cards and collecting the betting chips from the poker players has the dealer to “burn” one card, calls also “BURN CARD”. This is the top card of the card deck that must be throw away with card face down, that nobody can see this one card. Then he is dealing the “FLOP” – the three first community cards. After new betting round comes the second burn card and the fourth community card called “TURN”. Next betting round begins. At the end deals the dealer the last community card called “RIVER” and the last betting round is open.

Where are the names coming from?

FLOP – is used for the “Flop games” with community cards. In Texas Hold’em Poker these are the three first cards and the dealer is flopping them over to be visible for all players at the table.

TURN – one card dealt after the second “burn card” and after the “flop” and it is the fourth community card which the dealer turns over. Maybe calling “turn” because it can turn the game or the strength of your hand.

RIVER – I didn’t find why exactly is the river called river, but the one explanation can be that the first town in North America where Poker was played was New Orleans on the Mississippi River. And maybe for this reason was the fifth community card in the Texas Hold’em, when they started to play this kind of poker in Texas, named “River” to remember the first poker place.

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