
Tuesday, June 3, 2014


In the poker game you find many terms the poker players are using at the table. One of them is for example DONK, comes from Donkey. What does it mean? This is the frustration expression for a player who is playing without thinking, also called a “Bingo player”.

The Donk is playing without position, calls every kind of bet or raise, can’t count his pot odds (if he knows what pot odds are) or even think about the move he made.

The play of a donk is only a stupid action, his betting is:
- unexpected (don’t follow the betting behavior below),    
- risky (he is betting too much or inadequate and risks his stack or the whole game)
- egocentric (he don’t pay attention to what is happening at the table or what his opponents are doing)

A donk is not following the game or the play of the opponents. He is only there to bet and raise and get lucky to win the big pot. He is the worst PLAYER.

Another term is the FISH at the table. This expression is a synonym of DONK. Maybe they have no experience, doesn’t know the winning hands exactly and are playing really almost every hand.
There is no chance to get such players out of the hand. You can be much more experienced player, but against a FISH you can’t play good poker!

For me there is not really a difference between these two players, DONK and FISH. They are playing anything without exact to know what they are doing!

The really worst thing is, the DONK and the FISH doesn’t know they are one!

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